Dream Journal – Fall from a Great Height

I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out at the breathtaking view below. The sun is setting in the distance, casting the sky in shades of orange and pink. For a moment, I feel like I’m on top of the world.

But then, something shifts. I lose my balance, and suddenly I’m tumbling forward, hurtling through the air with nothing to stop my fall. The wind rushes past me, and my heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest.

As I plummet towards the ground, I try to stay calm and brace for impact. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the feeling of terror and helplessness that grips me.

Finally, I hit the ground with a bone-jarring impact. For a moment, everything goes black, and I wonder if I’ve survived the fall. But then, I feel a jolt of pain shoot through my body, and I realize that I’m alive, but barely.

I struggle to get up, my limbs feeling heavy and uncooperative. As I look up at the cliff, I feel a sense of dread wash over me. How did I end up falling? Why did I lose my balance?

As the dream fades away, I’m left with a feeling of unease and anxiety. Even though I know it was just a dream, the memory of falling from such a great height lingers, a reminder that sometimes our fears and anxieties can manifest in unexpected ways.

Dream Journal – Bike Crash

I’m riding my bike down a familiar street, enjoying the wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom that comes with cruising down the road. But as I pick up speed, I start to feel a sense of unease. My hands feel sweaty on the handlebars, and I can’t seem to keep the bike steady.

Suddenly, I hit a bump in the road, and the bike starts to wobble. I try to regain control, but it’s too late. The wobbling becomes more and more intense, and before I know it, I’m hurtling through the air, my bike abandoned beneath me.

I land hard on the ground, feeling the impact ripple through my body. My first instinct is to check for injuries, but I’m relieved to find that I’m mostly unharmed. As I sit up and assess the damage, I realize that my bike is completely mangled, beyond repair.

I feel a sense of disappointment and frustration wash over me. Riding my bike has always been a source of joy and freedom for me, and the thought of losing that is almost unbearable. But even as I mourn the loss of my trusty bike, I know that I’ll find a way to move forward. After all, life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and it’s up to us to find our balance and keep pedaling forward.

Dream Journal – Being Chased

I recently dreamt about being chased. I felt scared and vulnerable as I was being pursued. My pursuers were shapeless and faceless but I could feel their presence. I ran as fast as I could, away from them.

Then suddenly, a figure appeared in front of me, and blocked the way to escape. I felt relieved when I saw that it was a boy around my age. His expression was serious, but he was smiling.

“Let’s escape together,” he said, before smiling brightly.

I had no idea what he meant. However, he gently took my hand. The next moment, I was running with him. We escaped from the unknown people chasing us and found ourselves in a dimly lit cavern. It glowed purple.

kids in a purple cavern from a dream

“Where are we?” I asked.

“We’re safe now.” He looked at me and smiled brightly. “It’s so good to see you.”

“Who are you? I asked.

“I’m your brother.” He looked at me with his bright smile. “Do you remember me?”

“You’re not my brother,” I said. “I don’t have any siblings.”

“You’re wrong,” he insisted, grinning even wider. “You’re my little sister.”

He’s crazy.

My mind was reeling, unable to process this bizarre conversation. As if he could hear my thoughts, he shook his head. “I’m not crazy. You are my sister.”

“You’re sick.” I shook my head and looked at him, puzzled. I wasn’t sure how to react to this bizarre conversation. He was acting weird, but he was also really cute. His eyes were so kind, and his smile was gentle.

“I know that you are worried about me,” he said. “But don’t worry. We’re going to be fine.”

I couldn’t believe he kept smiling despite my blunt rejection. He continued speaking. “You don’t remember me because we didn’t grow up together. You’re really worried about me, aren’t you?”

“Of course,” I admitted, “but…why do you look like a child? Are you a kid?”

“You don’t remember this either,” he said. “You haven’t remembered this, but I was always here for you.”

I still had no idea who he was, but I wanted to believe that he wasn’t a stranger. I couldn’t understand how this conversation was happening, but he seemed so sincere. He was speaking with the same tone as my father when he was explaining something important. I could feel that his words were true. I felt my heart slowly melting as I listened to his sweet voice.

“I’ve always been by your side,” he said, as if reading my mind. “I’m the person you trust the most.”

“You’re a child,” I said, still unsure of his identity. “You must have forgotten all about this.”

“No,” he insisted, shaking his head. “I haven’t forgotten anything.”

“You’re not a child,” I repeated, as if I were trying to convince myself.

“I’ve been there for you since you were born,” he continued. “You’re so kind to your little sister.”

“You’re…crazy…” I said, struggling to put everything together in my mind.

“Why did you forget about me?” he asked. “You promised to take care of me forever and ever.”

“You’re crazy.” I was getting more and more uncomfortable. I didn’t want to think about this anymore. I had to get away from him. He was scaring me.

That’s where the dream ended. I woke up.

I was surprised that this happened after all that had happened last month. It was almost like a reminder of all the horrible things that had happened last time. I sighed and looked at my alarm clock. It was 6:30 am. I quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water. I stared at the mirror in the bathroom for a long moment.

The face reflected in the mirror looked back at me with sad eyes, like that of a lost child.

A Dream of a Rainbow

Last night I dreamt of a giant rainbow that appeared over a field of sheep. It was a pleasant scene and everything was calm and peaceful. Then a wind came up, the rainbow turned into a cloud and the clouds turned into a monster that swallowed up all the sheep, including me.

I woke up feeling more than a little frightened. I realized it was no coincidence that my subconscious had taken a cue from the film The Wizard of Oz. This movie has had a powerful impact on my life. The first time I saw it was in New York City.

When we were young, my mother used to read us fairy tales from books such as Hans Christian Andersen’s The Little Mermaid, or the Brothers Grimm’s Rapunzel, and those were the stories that really captured our imagination. Later on, she took us to the theatre. She didn’t want us to become jaded and cynical. She wanted to make sure we loved fairy tales. She believed that they helped teach you how to be good people, and that if we didn’t believe that they could still have a beneficial impact on our lives.

One day she took my brother and me to see The Wizard of Oz performed as a play. The show was quite different from what we had grown accustomed to seeing at the theatre. The characters seemed more real, and the actors spoke with more intensity than we were used to hearing from other theatre productions. They did not perform any songs. The audience applauded with genuine enthusiasm, but the curtain remained closed after the performance was over. There was no grand finale. The house lights were already on before the last character left the stage. The audience was allowed to leave as they pleased.

Jade and Monkeys

My username on this blog is JadeMonkey4K and there is a little history behind it. It’s the name I used to use when playing games, basically my gamertag.

In my bio, you can see that I was imagining monkeys hoarding all of the planet’s jade and ruling the world:

If Monkeys ruled the world and hoarded all the jade, everyone would be happier. There would be rainbows. Lots and lots of rainbows.

monkeys and rainbows

Some interesting facts about monkeys

  • Monkeys have the longest fingers and toes of any primates.
  • They are the most diverse in their range, with the majority of them living in the forests of Asia and Africa, while only a handful live in South America.
  • The western red colobus monkey is one of the most widespread species of monkey in the world, ranging from Ethiopia to Kenya to the Congo. It is the largest monkey in the world, and it is one of the few nonhuman primates that live in both the Old and New Worlds.
  • The woolly monkey, also known as a greater woolly monkey or surili, is a small, black-and-white monkey found only in India. It is the closest living relative of the baboons and mandrills, and shares their omnivorous diet.
  • There are a lot of species of monkeys in the Old World. One of them is called the langur. It is found in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Its name comes from a word that means “long-tailed,” referring to its tail, which is longer than its body.
  • Another one is the Japanese macaque. It is found on the Japanese islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and the Ryukyu Islands.
  • The gibbon is a kind of ape that lives in trees, and is found only in Asia. It has an elongated head, long arms, and long legs, with long fingers and toes. The male gibbon’s body is blue, while the female’s is grayish-brown. The average length of an adult male is three feet, while the female’s is two feet and six inches.

Some interesting facts about jade

  • Jade is a type of metamorphic rock that is formed when other rocks, such as quartzite or marble, are subjected to high pressure and heat over a long period of time.
  • The color of jade is determined by the presence of different trace elements in the rock, such as chromium, iron, and manganese. For example, green jade is typically colored by the presence of chromium, while white jade may contain trace amounts of iron or manganese.
  • Jade has been prized by many different cultures throughout history. In ancient China, jade was considered to be a sacred stone and was often used to make ritual objects and burial artifacts. In Mesoamerica, jade was used to make weapons, tools, and jewelry by the Maya and Aztec civilizations.
  • Jade is believed to have healing properties and is often used in traditional medicine. In Chinese medicine, jade is thought to calm the mind, improve the circulation of qi (life energy), and help with a wide range of health conditions.
  • Jade is a relatively hard stone, but it can be carved and shaped into a variety of different forms. It is often used to make intricate carvings and sculptures, and is considered to be one of the most important materials in the art of Chinese jade carving.
  • In some parts of the world, jade is known by different names. For example, in New Zealand, jade is known as “pounamu,” and is considered to be a taonga (treasure) by the Maori people. In Central America, jade is known as “charchar” by the Maya and “quetzalitzlipyollitli” by the Aztec.
  • Although jade is often associated with the color green, it can also come in other colors, such as white, yellow, and even pink. The rarest and most valuable type of jade is known as “Imperial Jade,” which is a deep, translucent green color.
  • Despite its popularity and value, the mining of jade can have a significant environmental impact. In recent years, there have been concerns about the destruction of natural habitats and the use of child labor in the jade mining industry.

Weirdly Specific Fan Art with AI

AI generated art is all the rage right now, inviting both praise and intense criticism. Whatever your take on it, one thing is clear: you can generate some weirdly specific fan art with Artificial Intelligence.

Take this: Ryan Reynolds in nature shots. Want to imagine good old Ryan walking around in beautiful scenic photos? Maybe snuggling with some cute, cuddly animals at the same time? No problem. You can have that.

Now, not all of these images look exactly like Ryan, but they’re pretty close and not bad for a few quick minutes of work from an AI art generator.

How does it work?

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in creating realistic fan art. With the advent of deep learning algorithms and the increasing availability of high-quality data sets, AI models are now able to generate convincing fan art that can be indistinguishable from art created by humans.

One of the key ways that AI creates realistic fan art is through the use of generative adversarial networks (GANs). GANs consist of two neural networks that work together to produce new, synthetic data that resembles a given data set. The first network, called the generator, produces synthetic images, while the second network, called the discriminator, tries to distinguish between real and synthetic images. As the generator produces new images, the discriminator provides feedback on the realism of the images, and the generator uses this feedback to improve its output.

One of the benefits of using GANs for generating fan art is that they can learn to replicate the style and characteristics of a particular artist or artwork. This means that AI-generated fan art can be made to look like it was created by a specific artist, or in the style of a particular artwork or series.

Another way that AI creates realistic fan art is through the use of neural style transfer. This technique involves using a neural network to transfer the style of one image to the content of another image. For example, an AI model could be trained to replicate the style of a famous artist, and then use this knowledge to create new, original art in that artist’s style.

One notable example of AI-generated fan art is the work of a GAN called “DALL-E,” which was developed by OpenAI. DALL-E is able to generate highly realistic images based on text descriptions, and has been used to create a wide variety of fan art, including characters from popular movies and TV shows.

Despite the impressive capabilities of AI in creating realistic fan art, it is important to note that these technologies are still in the early stages of development. There is still much work to be done to improve the realism and diversity of AI-generated art, and it is likely that it will be some time before AI can fully replace human artists.

Overall, AI has made great strides in creating realistic fan art, and it is likely that we will see even more impressive examples of AI-generated art in the future. Whether you are a fan of traditional art or are excited about the potential of AI to create new and innovative forms of art, it is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize the world of art and design.

The ethical issues of AI and fan art

There are a number of ethical issues to consider when it comes to creating fan art with artificial intelligence (AI). Some of the main ethical issues include:

Copyright and intellectual property: One concern is that AI-generated fan art could potentially infringe on the copyright or intellectual property of the original work or artist. This could lead to legal disputes over the ownership of the AI-generated art.

Misrepresentation: Another issue is the potential for AI-generated fan art to be mistaken for the work of the original artist. This could lead to confusion and misrepresentation, and could potentially damage the reputation of the original artist.

Exploitation: There is also the potential for AI-generated fan art to be used for exploitation, such as by creating fake images of celebrities or public figures without their consent.

Displacement of human artists: Another concern is the potential for AI-generated fan art to displace human artists and reduce the demand for their work.

Bias: AI systems can potentially perpetuate and amplify biases present in the data they are trained on. This could lead to the creation of biased or offensive fan art.

To address these ethical issues, it is important for those creating AI-generated fan art to be mindful of copyright and intellectual property laws, to clearly label AI-generated art as such to avoid misrepresentation, and to obtain consent before using AI to generate images of real people. It is also important to consider the potential impacts on human artists and to work to mitigate any negative effects on their livelihoods. Finally, it is important to ensure that AI systems are trained on diverse and unbiased data to prevent the creation of biased or offensive art.

About Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds is a Canadian actor and producer who has become one of Hollywood’s biggest stars in recent years. He is best known for his roles in movies such as “Deadpool,” “The Proposal,” and “Green Lantern,” as well as his recent turn as the titular character in the hit Netflix movie “Red Notice.”

Reynolds was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1976. He started his acting career in the late 1990s, appearing in television shows such as “The X-Files” and “Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place.” He gained widespread recognition for his role as Michael Bergen on the sitcom “Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place,” which aired from 1998 to 2001.

In the early 2000s, Reynolds transitioned to film, starring in movies such as “National Lampoon’s Van Wilder,” “The Amityville Horror,” and “Definitely, Maybe.” He also appeared in a number of blockbuster movies, including “The Change-Up,” “Safe House,” and “Mississippi Grind.”

However, it was Reynolds’ role as the irreverent superhero Deadpool that truly catapulted him to fame. The “Deadpool” movies, released in 2016 and 2018, were both critical and commercial successes, and Reynolds’ portrayal of the wisecracking, fourth-wall-breaking character won him widespread acclaim. Deadpool is widely considered one of Reynolds’ best movies.

In addition to his acting career, Reynolds is also a successful producer. He has produced a number of movies and television shows through his production company, Maximum Effort, including the Netflix movies “6 Underground” and “Red Notice.”

Aside from his professional achievements, Reynolds is also known for his sense of humor and quick wit. He is active on social media and is known for his humorous posts and interactions with fans.

Overall, Ryan Reynolds is a talented actor and producer who has established himself as one of Hollywood’s leading lights. With a diverse range of roles and a sharp sense of humor, he is sure to continue captivating audiences for years to come.

Dream Journal – Scary Nightmares

I woke up in the middle of the night after having a scary nightmare.

I don’t remember what happened in the dream, but I was running down a hallway towards the exit with several people chasing me. I could hear their footsteps pounding behind me as I tried to open the doors to get away.

It was then a dream within a dream.

I woke up to find my room filled with smoke! It was coming from one of the vents on top of my dresser, so I knew it wasn’t coming from my fireplace downstairs. My mom told me that the smoke could be dangerous if it was burning at high temperatures, but she thought that it would be okay since it looked like it was just getting hot air from the vents instead of actual flames.

I woke up in a cold sweat, and I wondered how I could have had such an intense nightmare so close to morning. It must have been a pretty vivid one since it was still on my mind this morning, but I had no recollection of it at all.

A Dream of Flying

I dreamt of many things last night, but the one dream that really sticks out is the dream I had where I was flying. I love flying dreams. They make me feel free.

I dreamt that I was flying over a beautiful city, with lots of skyscrapers and bridges that stretched across the water. There was an airport right next to the city, and I flew towards it in my dream.

I flew down through the clouds and landed on a runway that was full of people. Some people were sitting in the terminal, waiting for their planes to arrive. Others were walking around, either going to the shops or shopping at one of the kiosks near the building.

There was an announcement over the loudspeakers in my dream that there was a flight leaving soon for another city. A gate opened up in the terminal, and I flew through it into a hallway where several other people were waiting for their flights to arrive. There were people of all different races standing there with their luggage.

There was a line in front of the boarding gate as well as a line in front of the bathroom door. I walked over to the bathroom and opened it up, only to find that it was locked. There was an older woman inside, and she refused to leave because she said that it was too crowded in front of the gate. I wondered why she couldn’t use the bathroom in front of her plane. I then realized that her flight wasn’t boarding for another hour or so, so it wasn’t a problem for her.

I walked over to the gate, and it opened up automatically as soon as I stepped through it. There was a nice gentleman working there, who let me sit down for a few minutes and have a bite of some delicious looking food from one of the nearby shops. It tasted wonderful! I wanted more of it, but when I turned around to ask for a second serving, the man told me that my flight had already started boarding and that I needed to hurry up and board if I wanted to make my flight.

I woke up shortly after that. The food had reminded me of what we had for dinner last night, which was really good! My mom had cooked us a bunch of meatloaf with some kind of sauce on it along with mashed potatoes and vegetables. It tasted amazing!

It’s funny how my dreams can bring back memories from real life at times.

A Dream of a Man at the Store

This dream was not as weird as the one I just had about purple alligators, but I remembered a lot more details.

This morning, I opened up the door to the store, and I noticed a man staring at me from across the street. He was wearing sunglasses, but I knew he was looking right at me. I assumed that he was watching to see if there was going to be any trouble. I wasn’t worried, however, because I didn’t think anyone could get away with killing one of us without the other people being able to see it.

I walked around to the side of the store, opened the door, and turned on the lights. I unlocked the front door, and a wave of cold air blew in from outside. It was chilly today. There was a little bit of snow on the ground, which I thought looked pretty cool.

I headed upstairs to get ready for the day. It was time for me to start work at the shop, and I was really excited.

I had just finished getting dressed when I heard the sound of an engine. I looked out of the window and saw a blue car driving down the road. I didn’t recognize it, but it was nice enough looking.

The car stopped at the corner, and the driver looked both ways before he turned right and sped off. I figured that he was probably going to the next corner over to make another right turn and head towards the store.

A few minutes later, I heard another car come up the road. This one was an older model car, but it seemed like it was in good shape. It pulled up to the corner, and the driver looked both ways before turning right onto our road.

I looked through the window again and noticed that this car also had tinted windows. It made me wonder if the person inside was doing something shady.

A couple minutes later, I heard a loud honk coming from somewhere down the street. The sound was coming from behind me, so I knew that someone else was driving up the street. I turned around, and I saw the blue car turn around and start heading back towards the corner where it had come from.

I headed downstairs to unlock the front door, and the person who had just driven up came walking towards me. I recognized him immediately as the guy who had been parked by the gas station last week. He was probably in his late 20’s or early 30’s, and he looked to be in pretty good shape. He was tall, had dark hair, and was wearing a baseball cap and a black jacket with a hoodie underneath.

I walked towards him as he approached, and he said hi in a friendly tone. He asked how things were going, and I told him that we had been pretty busy since we reopened.

He looked up at the sign on the door and smiled. “Oh, it’s open for business? That’s cool,” he said.

We made small talk for a bit before we reached the front door.

He took his cap off as he entered the store, and he told me his name was Doug. We talked for a couple of minutes about the weather before he said that he was just passing by and decided to drop in.

We continued chatting while we walked around the store and checked out all of the products. I showed him a bunch of our inventory, and he told me that he had been living in the area for a few years and wanted to buy a house in the neighborhood.

When he left, I felt a little lonely. He was a nice guy, and I could tell that he was interested in me. He told me that he liked my style of clothing, but I think he may have been trying to pick me up. I’ll have to see how things go between us in the future.

After we closed the store and walked back upstairs, I told my mom about my interaction with Doug.

“What did you think?” she asked me. “I think he likes you.”

“Do you think so?” I asked her. “He’s so much older than me.”

“Yeah, but he seemed nice. You should see if you can get his number,” she suggested. “If he does call, just be careful. If you like him, you can always call me, and we’ll find you a nice guy.”

“You think?” I asked her. “You sure about this?”

“It’s your decision,” she said. “But I think you should take advantage of the opportunity.”

I thanked my mom for her advice, and we watched television for a while before we went to bed.

A Dream of Purple Alligators

Last night, I dreamt of purple alligators. Not the same as a dream of blue turtles, but an interesting dream. This is a new part of my routine where I am working to understand my dreams by journaling them.

My mind drifted back to a conversation I had with a friend a couple weeks ago. We were talking about the ever-popular debate between science and religion. For some reason, I was thinking about the idea of evolution, specifically about the idea that humans evolved from monkeys. This thought got me wondering if monkeys still existed in some distant place, and if they did, did they look like monkeys, or would they have evolved into something else?

This question led me to wonder what would happen if I mixed the DNA from different species together. Would an alligator and a monkey produce something completely new, or would they just kill each other and fail to reproduce?

This is where my dream took over. I imagined that alligators and monkeys evolved on the same land mass and had been competing for food, territory, and mating rights for generations. These two species of alligators are similar in size and general appearance, so I wondered how the two species would interact.

I dreamed of two alligators meeting, but instead of fighting for dominance and mating rights, they talked. As they spoke, they realized that both species of alligator could trace their lineage back to a common ancestor. The two alligators looked at each other, and a new kind of alligator was born.

The alligators, no longer competing for the same resources, worked together to create new life. They created a creature that combined the best attributes of each species. The result was a creature that was bigger and stronger than either parent.

The dream faded as I woke up, and the alligator became a purple alligator. Purple alligators can only be seen in dreams. They’re rare and almost never encountered.

I decided that my dream was too short to analyze, so I went back to sleep to find another purple alligator.